Selasa, 07 Mei 2013

Middle East Updates: Assad Green-Lights Palestinian 'Operations' Against Israel

Palestinian Militants In Syria: Assad Grants Green Light To Attack Israel

A spokesman for a Palestinian militant group in Syria said Tuesday that it had received a nod from President Bashar Assad's regime to attack Israel following alleged back-to-back Israeli airstrikes over the weekend.
Anwar Raja of the Damascus-based Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine-General Command said the regime has given "a green light" for the group "to attack Israeli targets" from the Syrian-controlled part of Golan Heights.

Raja did not elaborate on how the alleged approval was conveyed to PFLP-GC fighters but he stressed that there was no official government note.

Most Palestinians in Syria remained on the sidelines of the 2-year-old conflict, but PFLP-GC has fought alongside government troops against the rebels trying to topple Assad.

The Syrian government has extended the authority of the army to respond to “Israeli aggression” immediately and without prior governmental authorization and granted Palestinian factions leave to carry out attacks against Israel on the Golan Heights, a Syrian government daily reported on Tuesday.
According to Al-Watan, the Syrian army has compiled a “target bank” inside Israel that will be showered by missiles immediately in case of another Israeli strike on Syria. The daily also quoted “high-ranking sources” who said that Syria was willing to provide the Lebanon-based terror group Hezbollah with “all types of weapons, including new and quality weapons not previously provided.”
Moreover, the Syrian leadership has granted permission to Palestinian factions to “carry out operations against Israel from the Golan.” The daily did not specify who these factions were or what operations they might carry out.

A spokesman for a Palestinian militant group in Syria confirmed Tuesday that it received a nod from President Bashar Assad’s regime to attack Israel following the Israeli airstrikes.
Dozens of elite Syrian troops were said to have been killed in Sunday morning’s strikes against two military sites near Damascus, the third alleged Israeli attack in three months. But despite Syria’s bellicose rhetoric, Israeli officials spoke of “a low likelihood” of a Syrian military retaliation.
Anwar Raja of the Damascus-based Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine-General Command said the regime had given “a green light” for the group “to attack Israeli targets” from the Syrian-controlled part of Golan Heights.

A mortar shell exploded Tuesday morning in Tel Fares near the Golan Heights border, Israel Radio reported.

No injuries or damage were reported in the incident that follows the firing of two shells from Syria on Monday, which landed in the southern part of the Golan Heights.

Despite having repeatedly spoken out against Syrian President Bashar Assad, Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan on Tuesday said that alleged Israeli air raidsin Syria were "unacceptable."

"No excuse can justify this operation," AFP quoted Erdogan as saying to members of his AKP faction.

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