Selasa, 30 April 2013

5 Museum Dinosaurus Paling Terkenal Di Dunia

5 Museum Dinosaurus Paling Terkenal Di Dunia

5 Museum Dinosaurus Paling Terkenal Di Dunia - Masih ingat film Jurassic Park yang terkenal di era 90-an? Kini Anda tak hanya bisa melihat kegagahan dinosaurus dalam film tersebut. Tapi juga melihat langsung di 5 Museum Dinosaurus Paling Terkenal Di Dunia berikut ini.

Saat ini dinosaurus memang telah punah. Namun, keberadaannya selalu mengundang penasaran banyak orang. Sebuah film fiksi bertema kehidupan liar hewan purba ini pun dibuat.

Namun kini, untuk mengetahui keberadaannya, Anda tak hanya bisa melihat lewat layar kaca. Sudah ada banyak museum bertemakan dinosaurus di berbagai belahan dunia. Di dalamnya, turis bisa melihat banyak rangka hewan purba ini ditampilkan.

Dikutip dari CNN Travel, inilah 5 Museum Dinosaurus Paling Terkenal Di Dunia :

1. Museum fuer Naturkunde, Berlin, Jerman

Saat ke Berlin, jangan cuma singgah ke Tembok Berlin. Cobalah sekali-kali mampir ke Museum fuer Naturkunde di Invalidenstrasse 43, Berlin. Ini adalah museum sains yang mengoleksi banyak rangka hewan.

Sebagian besar rangka digali dari Tanzania di abad ke-20. Yang paling mengesankan adalah rangka brachiosaurus setinggi 12 meter. Ini adalah rangka yang memegang rekor Guinness World Record dan mendominasi pandangan di ruangan galeri.

Tak hanya itu, Museum fuer Naturkunde juga menampilkan fosil burung archeopteryx. Jadi, datang ke sana, turis juga akan diberi tahu hubungan antara burung dan dinosaurus.

2. Field Museum, Chicago, AS


Museum dinosaurus terkeren kedua di dunia adalah Field Museum di Chicago, AS. Pameran museum yang bertema perkembangan planet didedikasikan untuk 4 miliar tahun evolusi dinosaurus, seperti di Madagaskar dan Antartika.

Daya tarik utama museum ini sudah terlihat dari pintu masuk. Anda akan menemukan Sue, tyrannosaurus terbesar di dunia. Inilah spesimen terkeren yang ada di museum.

Berapa tidak, Sue hadir dengan tengkorak asli seberat 272 kg, lengkap dengan 58 gigi. Jika penasaran dengan keberadaannya, turis bisa datang langsung ke museum yang berada di S Lake Shore Drive, Chicago, AS.

3. Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Science, Brussels, Belgia 


Museum dinosaurus keren lainnya adalah Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Science di Brussels, Belgia. Sama seperti museum lain, tempat ini memiliki rangka raksasa dinosaurus.

Ada sekitar 30 iguanodons, dinosaurus yang diklasifikasikan pada tahun 1800-an. Hewan ini memiliki spike atau tanduk aneh di tubuhnya. Anda bisa melihatnya langsung di Rue Vautier 19, Brussel.

4. National Dinosaur Museum, Canberra, Australia

Australia ternyata juga memiliki museum dinosaurus yang keren di dunia. Tak sekadar mempelajari hewan zaman purba, museum ini juga disebut sebagai tempatnya mengetahui sejarah Australia.

Berada di Gold Creek Road dan Barton Highway, Nicholls, ACT 2913, National Dinosaur Museum menjadi tempat koleksi fosil dinosaurus terbesar di Canberra. Selain mengoleksi fosil dan jejak kaki, museum ini juga memiliki taman dengan patung dinosaurus.

Lebih asyik lagi, museum ini punya tur seru untuk pengunjung cilik, yaitu berupa pekan wisata gratis. Anda bisa mengajak sang buah hati mengenal dinosaurus, sambil bermain seperti penggalian fosil. Seru!

5. Royal Tyrell Museum of Paleontology, Alberta, Kanada

Berada di 1500 North Dinosaur Trail, Canadian Badlands, Royal Tyrell Museum of Palentology menjadi rumahnya bagi lebih 130.000 fosil dinosaurus, termasuk kerangka tyrannosaurus.

Tak hanya tyrannosaurus, museum ini juga menampilkan model harimau dengan taring tajam yang sedang menyerang mammoth. Anda pun seakan dibawa ke zaman prasejarah.

Nah, untuk wisatawan yang tertarik melihat bagaimana paleontolog bekerja, ada laboratorium di bisa Anda kunjungi. Di sana, turis bisa melihat bagaimana para ahli mengidentifikasi fosil

Closing In On A Peace Plan?

When I first started reading about this new attempt at a "peace plan" between Israel and "the many", it didn't really register. Now, suddenly, over the last 2-3 weeks, a lot of momentum has been gained in support of these new proposals - to the point that even the Arab League has agreed in principle. 

Who knows if this will really gain enough traction to serve as the basis for "the plan" that will surely come - according to Daniel 9:27 - but any news relating to widespread support for a peace plan involving Israel is worth watching. Take a look at the flow of these articles, revealing the growing support for this version. Of course, it would essentially take Israel back to the "pre-'67 borders", which renders Israel in a very vulnerable position for future invasions. 

And of course, the pink elephant in the room, is, the question of who will step forward and "confirm" the next covenant? Movement in that direction is also of interest.

Israel and the Palestinians seemed closer Tuesday night than they have been for more than two years to a resumption of substantive peace negotiations, after both sides indicated satisfaction with an apparently American-brokered amendment to the Arab League peace initiative.

US Secretary of State John Kerry, who has spent recent weeks shuttling around the Middle East as well as meeting relevant players in Washington, also sounded fairly upbeat in comments Tuesday. He said there were still hurdles to clear, but “I don’t think you can underestimate… the significance of Saudi Arabia, Qatar, [United] Arab Emirates, the Egyptians, the Jordanians, and others coming to the table and saying, ‘We are prepared to make peace now in 2013.’”

A senior Israeli official told The Times of Israel on Tuesday night that the government of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was pleased with and welcomed the steps to advance the peace process taken by the Arab League, which on Monday said it could see a two-state solution based on minor adjustments to the pre-1967 lines, and by Kerry.

In Washington on Tuesday afternoon, Kerry hailed the Arab League’s shift. Speaking at a press conference with Spanish Foreign Minister Jose Manuel Garcia-Margallo, the secretary said the Arab initiative “never received the full focus and full attention and recognition” it deserved when it was first set forth by King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia.
He said Israelis had been asking him in recent days, “What are the Arabs going to do? What is the Arab attitude towards peace at this point in time? And so the Arab community — and I think they should be thanked for this — saw fit to come here to the United States as a delegation of the Arab League to make it clear that they are re-launching the Arab Peace Initiative.”

Al Thani spoke after his delegation met across the street from the White House with Vice President Joe Biden and Kerry, who has been pushing Arab leaders to embrace a modified version of their decade-old initiative as part of a new US-led effort to corral Israel and the Palestinians back into direct peace talks.
Palestinian chief negotiator Saeb Erekat gave backing to the softened Arab League stance, saying that a plan including minor land swaps was consistent with the Palestinian Authority’s official position.
“In the event that Israel should accept a two-state solution based on 1967 borders, the Palestinians may consider small border adjustments, as long as it does not harm Palestinian interests,” Erekat said.

Justice Minister Tzipi Livni (Hatnua), Israel’s chief negotiator with the Palestinians, welcomed on Tuesday the Arab League’s announcement that it would integrate the idea of a “minor” land swaps into the Arab Peace Initiative.
Livni said it was important that Arab leaders recognized that there would be a need to adjust the pre-1967 lines in a final agreement.

Speaking on behalf of an Arab League delegation to Washington, Qatari Prime Minister Sheik Hamad Bin Jassem Al Thani on Monday called for an agreement between Israel and a future Palestine based on the Jewish state’s border before the 1967 Six Day War. But, unlike in previous such proposals, he cited the possibility of “comparable,” mutually agreed and “minor” land swaps between the Israelis and the Palestinians.
Al Thani spoke after his delegation met across the street from the White House with Vice President Joe Biden and Secretary of State John Kerry, who has been pushing Arab leaders to embrace a modified version of their decade-old initiative as part of a new US-led effort to corral Israel and the Palestinians back into direct peace talks.

Al Thani spoke after his delegation met across the street from the White House with Vice President Joe Biden and Secretary of State John Kerry, who has been pushing Arab leaders to embrace a modified version of their decade-old initiative as part of a new US-led effort to corral Israel and the Palestinians back into direct peace talks.
President Shimon Peres, who is in Italy, also welcomed the amended Arab League proposal.
“It is good that they have come back to a peace initiative at this time,” Peres reportedly told Pope Francis I during a meeting at the Vatican. “It is very important that they have reiterated their support for the two-state solution. The prime minister has said that he wants negotiations. The sooner we can do that, the better.”
“It seems that despite everything that is going on in the Arab world, the Arab League’s peace initiative is alive, kicking, and relevant,” MK Merav Michaeli from the opposition Labor Party said. “Once again we, Israel, have an opportunity for a general peace with the Arab world.”

Arab countries endorsed a Mideast peace plan Monday that would allow for small shifts in Israel’s 1967 border, moving them closer to President Barack Obama’s two-state vision.

Speaking on behalf of an Arab League delegation to Washington, Qatari Prime Minister Sheik Hamad Bin Jassem Al Thani called for an agreement between Israel and a future Palestine based on the Jewish state’s border before the 1967 Mideast War. But, unlike in previous such offers, he cited the possibility of “comparable,” mutually agreed and “minor” land swaps between the Israelis and the Palestinians.

Kerry said that he and Biden stressed the vision that Obama outlined in 2011, when he became the first American leader to publicly declare Israel’s pre-1967 lines as the basis for an Israeli-Palestinian settlement.

Although revolutionary when it was introduced by Saudi Arabia and endorsed by the 22-member Arab League, the initiative has never been embraced by Israel. And Palestinian officials have previously spoken out against any changes to its terms. What was striking, and perhaps most limiting, about the initiative was its simplicity, offering Israel comprehensive recognition in the Arab world in exchange for all lands conquered in the 1967 Mideast war.

Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu will address the Knesset on the topic of the Arab League’s flexibility on pre-1967 lines, after all 52 opposition MKs signed a petition on Tuesday requiring him to do so.
Meretz chairwoman Zehava Gal- On, who initiated the petition, said “the government cannot continue dragging its feet and miss this great opportunity.”

She added that “The new, promising version of the Arab League’s proposal for peace with Israel and dozens of Arab states is at our doorstep and the government cannot turn its back on negotiations.”
If at least 40 MKs sign a petition for the prime minister to discuss any topic in the plenum, he is required by law to do so. However, the MKs may only do so once a month.

Opposition leader Shelly Yacimovich also called for Netanyahu to adopt the Arab League’s agreement to land swaps.
“This is an important step by the Arab world, which has a chance to be groundbreaking. We must examine it seriously,” she stated.

Labor MK Erel Margalit wrote a letter to Netanyahu calling it an opportunity to reach a regional agreement that will let Israel be “part of the economic and political fabric” of the Middle East.
“After years of a diplomatic freeze with the Palestinian government, Israel does not have the privilege of remaining indifferent to the Arab League’s initiative and avoid stretching out its hand to implement it...while protecting Israeli interests,” Margalit wrote.

Coalition members from Yesh Atid spoke out in favor of Qatari Prime Minister Sheikh Hamad bin Jassim al-Thani's announcement, as well.
“This is an important, encouraging step,” Science and Technology Minister Ya’acov Peri said.
“An announcement like this gives Israel an opening to continue to strengthen large settlement blocs, in exchange for other territory that will be given to the Palestinians. The time has come to check the possibility of adopting the Arab League initiative as part of accelerating the diplomatic process.”

5 Kartu Kuning Sepakbola Paling Unik Di Dunia

5 Kartu Kuning Sepakbola Paling Unik Di Dunia

5 Kartu Kuning Sepakbola Paling Unik Di Dunia - Kartu kuning dalam dunia sepakbola bisa dikeluarkan wasit karena pelanggaran konyol. Bahkan, seorang pemain bisa mendapat kartu kuning karena berusaha menggocek lawan, atau memberi jersey ke pemain lawan.

Berikut ini 5 Kartu Kuning Sepakbola Paling Unik Di Dunia seperti dikutip dari The Guardian:

1. Menolong Wasit
Hal itu terjadi kepada legenda timnas Inggris, Paul Gascoigne. Ketika memperkuat Glasgow Rangers melawan Hibernian di Liga Skotlandia, Desember 1995, Gascoigne diganjar kartu kuning karena berusaha menolong wasit Dougie Smith. 

Bermula ketika kartu kuning wasit Smith terjatuh di samping gawang Hibernian. Ketika Gascoigne gagal memanfaatkan sundulan, mantan pemain Lazio dan Tottenham Hotspur itu tanpa sengaja menemukan kartu kuning wasit Smith.

Dengan maksud bergurau, Gascoigne mengacungkan kartu kuning tersebut ke arah wasit Smith, dan kemudian memberikannya kepada wasit rookie tersebut. Wasit Smith ternyata tidak suka dengan tindakan Gascoigne dan memberi Gazza kartu kuning.

2. Memberi Jersey ke Lawan

Kartu kuning konyol berikutnya didapat mantan striker timnas Rusia, Sergei Kiriakov. Pemain yang biasa dipanggil Kiki itu pernah mendapat kartu kuning lucu ketika memperkuat Karlsruhe di Jerman pada 1992. 

Kiki terkenal memiliki kecepatan yang luar biasa, hingga ketika melawan Sandhausen pada pertandingan Piala Jerman, salah satu pemain lawan terus berusaha menarik jerseynya.

Kesal terus ditarik, Kiki pun membuka jerseynya dan memberikannya kepada lawan. Sial bagi Kiki, wasit kemudian memberi kartu kuning keduanya di pertandingan tersebut. Kiki pun harus rela meninggalkan lapangan lebih awal.

3. Memperagakan Diving

Pertandingan melawan Liverpool pada Premier League musim 2004/2005 mungkin tidak akan pernah dilupakan mantan gelandang Crystal Palace, Joonas Kolkka. Ketika itu, Kolkka dibuat frustrasi oleh striker Milan Baros. Hingga di satu momen, Kolkka harus menekel Baros. 

Kolkka melampiaskan amarahnya kepada wasit Phil Dowd karena menganggap Baros melakukan diving. Gelandang asal Finlandia itu pun memperagakan aksi diving di depan wasit Dowd. Alhasil, Kolkka mendapat ganjaran kartu kuning.

4. Menggocek Lawan

Bahkan, berusaha menggocek lawan pun bisa berbuah kartu kuning. Hal itu terjadi saat Robinho memperkuat Santos. Ketika itu, Robinho terkenal dengan teknik individu stepovers saat mendribling bola. Saking seringnya melakukan stepovers, Robinho pernah mendapat kartu kuning.
Wasit memutuskan memberi Robinho kartu kuning karena dianggap memprovokasi dan meremehkan lawan. Hal yang sama pernah dialami striker asal Brasil, Jaba, ketika memperkuat Coritiba di musim 2002/2003.

5. Tiga Kartu Kuning

Pemain seharusnya diusir wasit ketika mendapat kartu kuning kedua, tapi hal itu tidak berlaku untuk bek timnas Kroasia, Josip Simunic. Ketika melawan Australia di Piala Dunia 2006, wasit asal Inggris, Graham Poll, sudah memberi Simunic dua kartu kuning pada menit ke-61 dan 90. Namun, Poll tidak memberi Simunic kartu merah.

Poll baru mengusir Simunic setelah mantan bek Hertha Berlin itu mendapat kartu kuning ketiga di menit ke-93. Poll berdalih dirinya menulis Australia#3 di kartu kuning ketika Simunic mendapat kartu kuning kedua. 

Hal itu dikarenakan gaya bicara Simunic dengan aksen Australia. Poll mengira Simunic sebagai bek Australia bernomor punggung 3, Craig Moore.

Nah, itulah 5 Kartu Kuning Sepakbola Paling Unik Di Dunia semoga menambah wawasan anda.

Escalation In The Middle East

Escalation: Iranian Drones Over Israel

On Thursday an Israeli warplane shot a drone into the Mediterranean just west of the Haifa shoreline. The drone came from Lebanon, and Israeli media immediately reported that it was sent by Hizballah—even though the prime minister and the IDF spokesman, in their public statements on the incident, made no such claim.
Amos Harel, military analyst for Haaretz, reports that the reason for that omission is probably that it wasn’t Hizballah that sent the plane but, rather, Iran—specifically its Revolutionary Guards contingent in Lebanon.
The UK’s Telegraph reports that “according to Syrian rebels and Israeli intelligence, Tehran has poured Revolutionary Guard soldiers into Syria and Lebanon to support its Shiite allies.” The Revolutionary Guards are also believed to have been behind another drone sent from Lebanon in October. That one entered Israeli airspace and was shot down not far from Israel’s nuclear plant in the Negev.

What was the drone’s mission? Probably not to hit Netanyahu, since that would be an open act of war and Iran, with its elections upcoming in June and its nuclear program probably not quite yet at the finish line, wouldn’t seek that outcome at this point. Harel speculates that “Iran wished to openly demonstrate its potential ability to damage essential facilities in Israel.”
Some believe those “essential facilities” were, in this instance, Israel’s new natural-gas fields in the Mediterranean. Harel claims the drone’s route suggests otherwise.
In any case, despite ongoing “options on the table” talk from Washington and “Israel has the right to defend itself” talk from Jerusalem, it’s clear that the situation is getting worse rather than better. One would have to imagine Al Qaeda drones flying over the U.S. or along its coast—except that Al Qaeda is a terrorist organization while Iran is a country, and Israel is much smaller than the U.S. (one-ninth the size of Nebraska, as Nebraskan defense secretary Chuck Hagel was informed in Israel last week).
If the situation is bad now, with Iran encamped on Israel’s border and able to send drones toward or even into its territory, clearly it would be a lot worse if Iran had nuclear bombs. And indeed top Israeli security experts have been sounding the alarm.

A new Pentagon assessment of Iran’s military power maintains that in two years time, Iran could flight-test an intercontinental ballistic missile capable of striking the United States, given “sufficient foreign assistance”, is provided to Tehran. The new assessment reiterated a longstanding estimate of the U.S. intelligence community. Iran could test such a missile by 2015 with assistance from nations like North Korea, China or Russia. 

Pyongyang is already in the process of developing the KN-08, an extended range ballistic missile that can reach the US West Coast. The missile’s range could be extended to provide the missile an intercontinental strike capability. Pyongyang and Tehran have been collaborating and exchanging technologies regarding ballistic missiles and nuclear weapons for many years; both countries are seeking to match the two technologies to acquire nuclear weapons delivery capabilities. U.S. experts agree that North Korea and Iran could be capable of developing and testing few ICBM class missiles based on liquid propellants, but doubt they could acquire solid-propelled weapons in the near future. The lengthy pre-flight procedures required for fuelling liquid-propelled missiles means that such weapons cannot be mass-fired without warning, as the shorter range missiles could, therefore, providing the defender time to respond, employ missile defense or conduct preemptive attack.

An unclassified portion of the “Annual Report on Military Power of Iran,” dated January 2013 and made available by the Pentagon today, also states that Iran is continuing to develop both the “technological capabilities applicable to nuclear weapons” and “ballistic missiles that could be adapted to deliver nuclear weapons.” In December 2012 US sources were sceptical about Iran’s ability to reach such milestone by 2015. Tehran encountered a major obstacle in 2011, after an explosion killed 21 people during a test, among the casualties was Hasan Tehrani Moghaddam, who was in charge of the country’s missile program.

Iran “also continues to develop ballistic missiles that could be adapted to deliver nuclear weapons,” it states. Despite “increased pressure resulting from sanctions” imposed by the United Nations, there “has been no change to Iran’s national security and military strategies over the last year,” according to the report.

A Gaza-based terrorist linked to a rocket attack on Eilat earlier this month was killed at around 10 a.m. Tuesday morning in a targeted strike by the Israel Air Force, as he drove his motorcycle in the northern Gaza Strip.
Israeli security sources named the man as 24-year-old northern Gaza resident Hitham Mashal, calling him a Salafist who was active in multiple jihadist organizations.

The targeted air strike is designed to thwart future attacks from Gaza and Sinai - attacks that are in the planning stages, according to security officials.
Mashal provided arms to the Shura Council of the Mujahideen in the Environs of Jerusalem, an organization said to be linked to al-Qaida and operating in the Gaza Strip and Sinai Peninsula. The group, which advocates violence against Jews, was behind the rocket attack on Eilat earlier this month, as well as previous strikes on the western Negev.
"Mashal was involved in promoting and carrying out that [the Eilat] attack," said sources in the Shin Bet. "His activities were known to Hamas, which refrained from stopping him."
"Hamas is responsible for preventing attacks carried out, planned, and advanced in Gaza," the sources said.

 A powerful explosion rocked Damascus on Tuesday, killing 13 and wounding 70, Syrian state TV reported, a day after the country’s prime minister narrowly escaped an assassination attempt in the heart of the heavily protected capital.
The nature of the explosion was not immediately clear but rebels fighting to topple President Bashar Assad’s regime have increasingly targeted Damascus, the seat of his power. The large bombing, the second in as many days in the capital, seems to be part of the wider violence wracking Syria as the nation’s conflict enters its third year.

Arab countries endorsed a Mideast peace plan Monday that would allow for small shifts in Israel’s 1967 border, moving them closer to President Barack Obama’s two-state vision.
Speaking on behalf of an Arab League delegation to Washington, Qatari Prime Minister Sheik Hamad Bin Jassem Al Thani called for an agreement between Israel and a future Palestine based on the Jewish state’s border before the 1967 Mideast War. But, unlike in previous such offers, he cited the possibility of “comparable,” mutually agreed and “minor” land swaps between the Israelis and the Palestinians.
Al Thani spoke after his delegation met across the street from the White House with Vice President Joe Biden and Secretary of State John Kerry, who has been pushing Arab leaders to embrace a modified version of their decade-old “Arab Peace Initiative” as part of a new U.S.-led effort to corral Israel and the Palestinians back into direct peace talks.

Also see:

Forced lockdown of a city. Militarized police riding tanks in the streets. Door-to-door armed searches without warrant. Families thrown out of their homes at gunpoint to be searched without probable cause. Businesses forced to close. Transport shut down.

These were not the scenes from a military coup in a far off banana republic, but rather the scenes just over a week ago in Boston as the United States got a taste of martial law. The ostensible reason for the military-style takeover of parts of Boston was that the accused perpetrator of a horrific crime was on the loose. The Boston bombing provided the opportunity for the government to turn what should have been a police investigation into a military-style occupation of an American city. This unprecedented move should frighten us as much or more than the attack itself.

What has been sadly forgotten in all the celebration of the capture of one suspect and the killing of his older brother is that the police state tactics in Boston did absolutely nothing to catch them. While the media crowed that the apprehension of the suspects was a triumph of the new surveillance state – and, predictably, many talking heads and Members of Congress called for even more government cameras pointed at the rest of us – the fact is none of this caught the suspect. Actually, it very nearly gave the suspect a chance to make a getaway.

No, the suspect was not discovered by the paramilitary troops terrorizing the public. He was discovered by a private citizen, who then placed a call to the police. And he was identified not by government surveillance cameras, but by private citizens who willingly shared their photographs with the police.

As journalist Tim Carney wrote last week (Washington Examiner):
"Law enforcement in Boston used cameras to ID the bombing suspects, but not police cameras. Instead, authorities asked the public to submit all photos and videos of the finish-line area to the FBI, just in case any of them had relevant images. The surveillance videos the FBI posted online of the suspects came from private businesses that use surveillance to punish and deter crime on their property."
Sadly, we have been conditioned to believe that the job of the government is to keep us safe, but in reality the job of the government is to protect our liberties. Once the government decides that its role is to keep us safe, whether economically or physically, they can only do so by taking away our liberties. That is what happened in Boston.

Three people were killed in Boston and that is tragic. But what of the fact that over 40 persons are killed in the United States each day, and sometimes ten persons can be killed in one city on any given weekend? These cities are not locked-down by paramilitary police riding in tanks and pointing automatic weapons at innocent citizens.

This is unprecedented and is very dangerous. We must educate ourselves and others about our precious civil liberties to ensure that we never accept demands that we give up our Constitution so that the government can pretend to protect us.

Amid calls for increased security measures following the Boston Marathon bombing, Senator Rand Paul warned of the dangers of allowing the government to install more surveillance cameras “willy-nilly” in open spaces, citing George Orwell’s dystopian novel 1984. “I think it’s important to note that it’s a slippery slope, and someday you may have cameras everywhere,” Rand Paul told Fox News’s Eric Bolling over the weekend. “Think of 1984, where the cameras were in your bedroom, and in your dining room, everywhere. You never went a moment’s notice without being watched.”
Paul made a distinction between government surveillance cameras and those used by private companies for security, noting that most of the footage used to capture the Boston Marathon bombers came from private businesses.

5 Bentuk SPBU Paling Unik Di Dunia

5 Bentuk SPBU Paling Unik Di Dunia

1. Tea Pot Gas Station (SPBU berbentuk teko teh)

Stasiun Gas Unik ini terletak di kota Lembah Yakima, Washington.

2. Welcome To the City Gas Station 


(SPBU Sebagai simbol selamat datang ke kota)Ini adalah SPBU Trem. Alamat: 2901 North Palm Canyon Drive. Dibangun pada tahun 1963 oleh Frey dan Chambers, atap yang unik sengaja diciptakan untuk efek dramatis pada batas ke kota. Sebagai simbol selamat datang ke kota

3. Recycled Materials Gas Station 

(SPBU Dengan Bahan-Bahan daur ulang)Jika itu terjadi untuk musim panas di Los Angeles, Jangan lupa untuk mampir di sini.Uniknya, pompa ini terbuat dari bahan daur ulang yang ramah lingkungan. Hasil dari bahan daur ulang ini sangat mengejutkan semua kalangan bahkan ada yg sampai tidak percaya kalau ini terbuat dari bahan2 bekas atau daur ulang.

4. Lax Airpot roof Gas Stations

Jack Colker terletak pada 96 Uni Crescent Drive Beverly Hills, California. 

 5. Futuristic Gas Station

Perancang Arne Jacobsen Mendesain bangunan ini yang terletak di Kopenhagen, Denmark pada tahun 1937, semacam lompatan desain.

Nah, itulah 5 Bentuk SPBU Paling Unik Di Dunia semoga menambah wawasan anda.

Senin, 29 April 2013

Arctic sea ice in steep descend more than four days earlier than in 2012

7 Cara Balas Dendam Pada Mantan Paling Gila

7 Cara Balas Dendam Pada Mantan Paling Gila

7 Cara Balas Dendam Pada Mantan Paling Gila - Berani jatuh cinta, berarti berani menerima risikonya. Patah hati memang sangat menyakitkan, namun kenyataan harus tetap diterima. Ada berbagai faktor yang menyebabkan patah hati, termasuk di antaranya adalah perselingkuhan.

Ini jelas memberikan rasa sakit yang sangat menyayat. Beberapa ada yang berusaha melupakan dan menenangkan diri, dan beberapa lagi tidak terima diperlakukan tak adil dengan adanya orang ketiga dalam hubungan.
Mereka yang tidak terima pun nekat melakukan tindakan-tindakan balas dendam pada mantan yang di luar dugaan. Seperti apa ke-7 Cara Balas Dendam Pada Mantan Paling Gila yang pernah ada di dunia ini? 

1. Bikin Artwork di Mobil Mantan 

Inilah cara yang cukup unik dalam melakukan balas dendam pada mantan. Seorang wanita membuat artwork abstrak dari cat di mobil mantan kekasihnya. Sangat mencolok, karena mobil si mantan jadi seperti terkena noda di mana-mana.    

Wanita tersebut memilih cat yang memang sulit sekali untuk dihilangkan. Ia pasti sangat sakit hati karena kekasihnya selingkuh dengan wanita lain, sehingga melakukan balas dendam semacam ini.

2. Robohkan Rumah 

Yang satu ini juga lumayan ekstrem. Seorang pria Jerman berusia 43 tahun memutuskan untuk merobuhkan rumah yang pernah ia tinggali dengan pasangannya. 

Dengan gergaji dan truk, ia berhasil meratakan rumah tersebut dengan tanah. Setelah menyelesaikan pekerjaan ini, pria itu pun langsung pergi tanpa ada penyesalan. 

3. Divorce Sale!


Seorang wanita yang tengah diliputi amarah akibat perceraiannya, memutuskan untuk menjual semua barang-barang kenangannya dengan sang suami. 

Ia membuka diskon besar-besaran yang dia sebut dengan 'Independence Day'. Ia juga menuliskan tagline 'Everything must go' dalam poster promonya.

4. Jual Istri di eBay

Nampaknya eBay jadi tempat favorit untuk melampiaskan dendam orang-orang yang sakit hati pada kekasihnya. Di Inggris, tak tanggung-tanggung, seorang pria bernama Paul menjual istrinya sendiri di eBay. 

"Tukang selingkuh, tukang bohong, serta istri yang berzina," tulis Paul dalam keterangannya di situs berjualan tersebut. Sementara itu, pihak wanita langsung melakukan pembelaan dan menolak dituduh selingkuh. Kasus ini sempat naik ke meja hijau, dan justru berakhir dengan denda sebesar £500,100 yang dijatuhkan pada Paul. 

5. Jual Foto Seksi Mantan Istri 

Merasa dikhianati oleh sang istri, seorang pria merasa sangat tersakiti. Ia akhirnya melakukan balas dendam dengan menjual 200 foto seksi wanita yang kini menjadi mantan istrinya itu. 

Pria ini menawarkannya dalam paket CD dengan harga £4.99 per kepingnya, seperti yang diberitakan Mirror. Selama 24 jam, semua gambar tersebut sudah habis terjual. 

"Ia telah bermain api dengan sahabat api, sekarang saatnya balas dendam," tulis pria ini dalam site-nya

6. Lelang Celana Dalam Selingkuhan Suami 

Seorang wanita Australia membalas dendam pada suaminya yang ketahuan selingkuh, dengan cara meletakkan foto celana dalam selingkuhan suaminya untuk dilelang di eBay.

Dalam situs berjualan tersebut, wanita ini juga menjelaskan bahwa celana dalam dan kondom 'ukuran kecil' habis pakai yang ditemukan di tempat tidurnya setelah sang suami bercinta dengan wanita lain.

7. Sebar Poster Pacar dan Selingkuhannya 

Wanita 28 tahun bernama Valeria memutuskan untuk meninggalkan tunangannya. Sehari sebelum pernikahan mereka, ia menemukan sebuah foto yang memperlihatkan tunangannya sedang memegang buah dada seorang wanita di Facebook.

Valeria ini menurut media Italia mulai menempelkan poster di seluruh penjuru Italia dengan sebagai tindakan balas dendam kepada mantannya tersebut. Poster tersebut menampilkan foto diri sang mantan.

"Untung ada Facebook! Setidaknya saya bisa mengetahui bahwa kamu adalah pengkhianat, tepat sebelum menikah! Tertanda, mantan tunanganmu dan 548 tamu pernikahan," tulis Valeria dalam poster tersebut. 

Nah, itulah 7 Cara Balas Dendam Pada Mantan Paling Gila semoga menambah wawasan anda.