Senin, 11 Maret 2013

In The News: Unholy Alliance - Iran And Russia

This first article is just one of many prophetically related stories in the news today:

An Unholy Alliance Emerges

Ezekiel 38-39 looms:

The Russian Iranian Alliance

Here are some key points from Amir Taheri an Iranian dissident, and former editor and chief of an Iranian newspaper:

In Iranian political folklore, Russia has long been depicted as a bear whose embrace, even if friendly, could smother you.
The dynamic persisted despite multiple changes of regime in both nations. Even after the fall of the shah and of the USSR, the Iranian tradition of keeping the Russian bear at arm’s length continued under the Khomeinist regime.

The deal that has been struck is the START Treaty which lowers our defenses and is what Russia has been waiting for. And Obama seems to be “the one” they have been waiting for. In his quest to “prove” to Russia that we will appease them, they are using that as leverage to strike a deal with Iran.

And both Moscow and Tehran regard what they see as an US strategic retreat under President Obama as an opportunity. They think that, with the United States out, no other power has the capacity to check their regional ambitions.

The Strategic Partnership

‘A strategic partnership”:  So Iran and Russia describe the series of security, economic and cultural agreements they’ve signed together in the past few weeks.
Iran’s Foreign Minister Ai-Akbar Salehi arrived in Moscow this week to co-chair the first annual session of the “partnership” with his Russian counterpart Sergei Lavrov. Days earlier, a group of officers from the Islamic Revolutionary Guard arrived in the Russian capital for a crash course in crowd control and civil unrest.
They’re expected to return to Iran by May and be “operational” in time for the June presidential election.
Iranian authorities are nervous about expected unrest during the elections, and so have called on Russia to help prevent an Iranian version of the “Arab Spring.” But Russia made its support conditional on signing a security treaty with Iran; Tehran complied last month.

It is important to note  in regards to Iran, mentioned in Obamas 2009 speech in Prague, “My administration will seek engagement with Iran based on mutual interests and mutual respect.” Coincidentally  Mr. Hagel also holds those sentiments in regards to dealing with Iran. He is also under the delusion that you can have dialogue with people who see us as the “Great Satan.” I am sure that will work as well as the sanctions posed in the past via the United Nations. Nothing like basing nuclear policy’s on “If the Iranian threat is eliminated.”

Taking into account everything that has been presented thus far, we are seeing the beginnings of quite an unholy alliance being formed.
For the first time in my life, without hesitation, I can say we are on the wrong side of history. Any seeing and hearing person can see that it not only puts our national security at risk, it is also setting up Israel, a country that we have always called an ally.

South Korea and the U.S. kick off their annual 10-day Key Resolve drills on Monday ― the day Pyongyang said it would scrap the armistice agreement and inter-Korean nonaggression pacts.

The allied militaries have remained on high alert for North Korean provocations near sea and land borders during their regular drills including the one-month Foal Eagle exercise to run until April 30.

On Sunday, the North, which denounced the drills as a “rehearsal for a nuclear war of incursion,” warned its troops are waiting for an “ultimate order to charge in” on its hostile forces.

“All means for our style of precision, nuclear strikes also maintain their combat mobilization posture. When the sound of gunfire for the holy war of reunification is heard, the U.S. and South Korea would immediately turn into a sea of fire,” the Rodong Sinmun, the daily of the North’s ruling Workers’ Party, said in a piece. 


Most of the infections have occurred in the Middle East, but a new analysis of three confirmed infections in Britain suggests the virus can pass from person to person rather than from animal to humans, the CDC said in its Weekly Morbidity and Mortality Report on Thursday.
The virus is a coronavirus, part of the same family of viruses as the common cold and the deadly outbreak of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) that first emerged in Asia in 2003. The new virus is not the same as SARS, but like the SARS virus, it is similar to those found in bats.

The health agency said doctors should be watchful of patients who develop an unexplained respiratory infection within 10 days of traveling from the Arabian Peninsula or neighboring countries. The CDC has set up a special website with updates on the infections .

Drug-resistant germs called carbapenem-resistant Enterobacteriaceae, or CRE, are on the rise and have become more resistant to last-resort antibiotics during the past decade, according to a new CDC Vital Signs report.  These bacteria are causing more hospitalized patients to get infections that, in some cases, are impossible to treat. 
CRE are lethal bacteria that pose a triple threat:
  • Resistance: CRE are resistant to all, or nearly all, the antibiotics we have - even our most powerful drugs of last-resort.
  • Death: CRE have high mortality rates – CRE germs kill 1 in 2 patients who get bloodstream infections from them.
  • Spread of disease:  CRE easily transfer their antibiotic resistance to other bacteria.  For example, carbapenem-resistant klebsiella can spread its drug-destroying weapons to a normal E. coli bacteria, which makes the E.coliresistant to antibiotics also. That could create a nightmare scenario since E. coliis the most common cause of urinary tract infections in healthy people.

Drug Resistant Bacteria On The Rise

Resistance To Antibiotics Risks Health 'Catastrophe'

Britain's health system could slip back by 200 years unless the "catastrophic threat" of antibiotic resistance is successfully tackled, the Government's Chief Medical Officer warns today.
In her first annual report, Dame Sally Davies says the problem of microbes becoming increasingly resistant to the most powerful drugs should be ranked alongside terrorism and climate change on the list of critical risks to the nation.
The growing ineffectiveness of many antibiotics against infection is being compounded by a "discovery void", as few new compounds are being developed to take their place. Dame Sally calls for a string of actions to tackle the threat, which is likely to include tighter restrictions on how GPs prescribe antibiotics for their patients.

New Wave Of 'Superbugs' Poses Dire Threat, Says Chief Medical Officer

Antibiotic-resistant bacteria with the potential to cause untreatable infections pose "a catastrophic threat" to the population, the chief medical officer for Britain warns in a report calling for urgent action worldwide.
If tough measures are not taken to restrict the use of antibiotics and no new ones are discovered, said Dame Sally Davies, "we will find ourselves in a health system not dissimilar to the early 19th century at some point".

"Antimicrobial resistance poses a catastrophic threat," said Davies. "If we don't act now, any one of us could go into hospital in 20 years for minor surgery and die because of an ordinary infection that can't be treated by antibiotics. And routine operations like hip replacements or organ transplants could be deadly because of the risk of infection.
"That's why governments and organisations across the world, including the World Health Organisation and G8, need to take this seriously."

CDC Wants U.S. Docs To Look Out For Mysterious Coronavirus From Middle East

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is warning U.S. doctors about a mysterious new coronavirus that's been claiming lives overseas.
The CDC's new report, published March 7 in its journal Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, shows there have been a total of 14 confirmed cases of the novel infection reported to the World Health Organization (WHO), with eight deaths. The illnesses occurred in Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Jordan, and the United Kingdom from April 2012 through February 2013. No cases have been reported in the United States.
Coronaviruses are a family of viruses that can cause illnesses ranging from the common cold to SARS, which killed 800 people during a 2003 global epidemic.
The World Health Organization has been tracking the mysterious disease since Sept. 2012 following the deaths of a patient in Saudi Arabia and the hospitalization of a Qatari national in the U.K.


Libya: 50 Egyptian Christians Seized By Islamist Militias

What was to come was worse, according to those held, victims of a round-up of Christians by an Islamist militia in the Libyan city of Benghazi. "When I visited him he was in a pitiful condition," Ragaa Nagah, wife of one of the detainees, Emad Seddeek, told The Daily Telegraph this week.
"He was afraid to tell us how he was tortured, but he couldn't see out of one of his eyes.
"They were standing over him and beating him while they asking him to confess and when they were about to give him an electric shock he said, 'Don't do that and I will say anything you want me to say'."
The round-up of scores of expatriate Coptic Christians last month in Benghazi, a centre of militant Islam in the new Libya, has turned into a wider purge of hundreds of Egyptians, the latest in a string of diplomatic clashes between the neighbouring, post-Arab Spring states.
The initial action was taken by a militant group claimed to be part of Ansar al-Sharia, a notorious Islamist militia accused of involvement in the death of Chris Stevens, the American ambassador in the city last September.

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