Minggu, 25 November 2012

Updates From The Epicenter

Hizbullah Chief Calls Arabs To Arms Against Israel

Hizbullah terrorist chief Hassan Nasrallah called Arab nations to arms over the weekend in a pre-recorded video from his hideout in Lebanon.He urged the region's Arab nations to send weapons and funds to terrorist organizations in Gaza. 
Israel had not met the goals set by the prime minister for its offensive, Nasrallah said.Mocking Israel, Nasrallah said, “If you failed to win a war against Gaza which has been under siege, what would be the case if you engage yourself in a war with someone else?” 

Nasrallah also issued a sly threat to the Jewish State, saying, “If only a few Fajr-5 missiles shook Israel, how would it deal with thousands of rockets landing on Tel Aviv as well as other cities, if it should venture to attack Lebanon?”

During the recent counter terror offensive, the Hamas and Islamic Jihad terrorist organizations fired Iranian Fajr-5 missiles at Tel Aviv and Jerusalem, causing panic among populations that have not previously been under rocket fire from Gaza. In all cases, the missiles missed their intended targets.  However, military sources have said that Hizbullah possesses the next generation of the Iranian Fajr series, and has an arsenal of Fajr-6 missiles, plus tens of thousands of Katyusha missiles. The Hizbullah chief went on to declare that the battle with the Jewish State ranges from the northernmost city of Kiryat Shmona, to the southernmost resort city of Eilat, located along the Red Sea.

Satellites Show Iran Moving Quickly To Rearm Hamas

Israeli intelligence satellites have spied the loading of rockets and other materiel believed to be destined for the Gaza Strip,The Sunday Times reported citing Israeli officials.

According to the report, Iran began preparing the weapons shipment around the same time Israel and Hamas negotiated cease-fire understandings late last week.

The shipment is said to include Iranian-made Fajr-5 medium-range rockets, the same model that wasfired into the Tel Aviv and Jerusalem areas during Operation Pillar of Defense, the Times reported.
The Times report also cited Israeli officials speculating that Iran could be moving longer-range ballistic missiles into Sudan, which could be aimed at Israel from the African country.
The official added that Tehran would act to re-arm Hamas and other Gaza groups quickly, as it sees them as a necessary part of its response to a possible Israeli attack against Iran.

Fresh Shipment Of Iranian-Made Rockets Already En Route To Gaza

Less than a week after the conclusion of Operation Pillar of Defense, and with Hamas boasting of an imminent increase in military aid from Iran, Israeli satellites have spotted a ship at the Iranian port of Bandar Abbas being loaded with rockets and other military supplies ostensibly bound for Gaza, the British Sunday Times reported.
The report cites Israeli intelligence sources who surmised that the cargo, loaded a week ago, would be shipped to Sudan and from there smuggled over land to Gaza.
In the past, Israel has accused Sudan of serving as a conduit for arms shipments from Iran through Egypt to Hamas in Gaza. The attack on the Yarmouk Complex was believed to be connected to this suspicion.

Russia Sends Ships To Gaza In Preparation For Violence Escalation

Russian warships anchored off the eastern coast of the Mediterranean Sea to prepare the evacuation of Russians in the area, should the conflict in Gaza escalate, The Voice of Russia quoted a Russian Navy Command source on Friday. 
“The detachment of combat ships of the Black Sea Fleet, including the Guards missile cruiser Moskva, the patrol ship Smetliviy, large landing ships Novocherkassk and Saratov, the sea tug MB-304 and the big sea tanker Ivan Bubnov, got the order to remain in the designated area of the Eastern part of the Mediterranean Sea for a possible evacuation of Russian citizens from the area of the Gaza strip in case of escalation of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict”, the spokesperson said.
He added that ship crew members will continue routine combat training, maintenance of equipment and weapons along with other military services.

Jihad And Salafists May Blow Up Truce

Terrorist rivals challenging Hamas’ control of Gaza may blow up the ceasefire reached last week, Voice of America reports.
Hamas has agreed to an informal truce, negotiated by its Muslim Brotherhood ally that rules Egypt.
The two principal triggers that can put a violent end to the truce are the Islamic Jihad and the Salafists. The Islamic Jihad, founded by followers of the Muslim Brotherhood, has its own army of approximately 1,000 terrorists,according to VOA.
The Salafist groups are an even more likely threat because of their attempt to portray Hamas as “liberal” in terms of Islamic law and the Al Qaeda goal of a pan-Islamic caliphate, which is the stated goal of Iran.
Salafist terrorists have accused Hamas of not being aggressive enough in its war against Israel and often have launched rocket and missile attacks on Israel without coordination with Hamas.

This article below is very interesting prophetically:

Iran Tries To Choke Israel By Seducing Jordan

Iran is trying to close surround Israel on three sides with its “axis of evil” by offering free oil to Jordan.
Iran and Syria, through its Hizbullah ally, threatens Israel on the northern border, and the Hamas-Muslim Brotherhood alliance south of the border allowed massive rocket and missile attacks on Israel until the ceasefire last week after Operation Pillar of Defense.

Festering economic problems, a growing Palestinian Arab population and paralleled opposition to the Jordanian-Israeli peace treaty have made the kingdom ripe for Iran to step in, which it did last week.  

My country is ready to supply the kingdom with free oil and energy for the next 30 years, in return for trade deals and agreements regarding religious tourism between the two countries,” Iranian Ambassador to Jordan Mustafa Zadeh said.
“We have one common enemy and everybody knows that,” the senior Iranian official added, which was a clear reference to the United States and Israel, according to an Al Hayat article translated and published by Al Monitor.

Embattled Morsi Calls Out His Backers

The Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt has called for a mass demonstration in Cairo this week to show support for the embattled President, Mohamed Morsi, who is facing widespread protests over his controversial decree granting him extensive new powers.
In a statement published on its website, the Brotherhood also called for demonstrations in public squares across the country after early evening prayers today.
The latest blow to Mr Morsi came yesterday when the Supreme Judicial Council, Egypt's highest body of judges, called the move by the President to grant himself near-absolute power an "unprecedented assault" on the judiciary.

Through their statement, the judges joined a growing list of leaders and activists from Egypt's political factions, including some Islamists, who have denounced the decree Mr Morsi says is necessary to "protect the revolution". The council's move reflects the anger within the judiciary.
The Presidents' opponents see the judiciary as the only civilian branch of government with a degree of independence, as Mr Morsi holds both executive power and legislative authority.

Also see:

Iran To Increase Financial, Military Aid For Gazan Terrorist Groups

Explosion Destroys Part Of Egyptian Intelligence Building In Rafah

Israel Set To Test David's Sling Interceptor

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