Minggu, 30 Agustus 2009

In the news...

There are several interesting news articles out this morning, all under the category of "The headline says it all".

"Palestinian refusal to recognize Israel is destroying peace bids"

"Hezbollah Readies for War as UN Can Only Observe"

"EU Foreign Policy Chief Solana arrives in Syria for peace talks"

This last article is of interest because we expect the final peace plan, as brokered by the antichrist, to come from the revived Roman Empire, aka the EU/Med Union. For years many prophecy watchers speculated on Solana's role, as he is responsible for foreign policy coming from the EU, and is a very powerful figure in EU politics. I personally don't believe this theory (the theory that Solana could ultimately become the antichrist), as the Bible is clear that the Church will have been removed before the antichrist brokers the peace plan for Israel and her neighbors; therefore, on that premise, those who are destined for the Rapture would never know the identity of the antichrist. For this reason alone I am reluctant to speculate on the identity of the antichrist (although it does make for some interesting dinner conversations). Additionally, I have always felt that Solana is becoming less and less powerful as the EU completes the Lisbon treaty, plus, he has made overtures that he will retire soon.

Having said that, it is always interesting to watch the EU's role in the comprehensive peace plan which is currently being prepared for the region. The month of September should be very interesting because a major push for a definitive peace plan in the Middle-East is being discussed within the UN, as well as Obama's plan which is stated to be revealed in September.

Keep your eyes open for these discussions during September as they could prove very revealing; the closer we get to "the" peace plan in the Middle-East, the closer we get to the beginning of the Tribulation, and therefore, closer to the Rapture of the Church. That certainly gets my attention. Its that simple.

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