Jumat, 20 Maret 2009

Paving the way

As I watch the news on a daily basis, I can't help but thinking about how the world is setting up for the rise of the Antichrist. In fact, a lot of the "work" that he would have to do, according to the scriptures, in order to create his world financial system, his world currency and his world government is already in the early stages of development.

The G-20 is a powerful collection of finance ministers and central bank governors, representing 19 of the world's economic leaders (countries) and the EU (G-20 website here). Additionally the Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the President of the World Bank, plus the chairs of the International Monetary and Financial Committee and Development Committee of the IMF and World Bank also participate. This group met in November and will meet again in April. This group has tremendous influence on the world's economy and is determined to "fix" the current financial crisis.

According to the G-20 website, one of their main goals is to "tackle the international financial and economic crisis, restore worldwide financial stability" and "The financial markets and the world economy continue to face serious global challenges and the severity of the crisis and ongoing uncertianties demonstrate the need for urgent action...the immediate priority will be to gain further agreements for a concerted co-ordinated international response."

Several articles are also emerging which reveal the upcoming agenda. First, we see Russia pushing for the creation of a new "supranational reserve currency to be issued by international institutions as part of a reform of the global financial system."
(read here).

We also see the UN weighing in on the issue (article here), as they recommend that the world "ditch the dollar as its reserve currency in favor of a shared basket of currencies."

Then we read that the International Monetary Fund (IMF), with the support of the U.S. and Russia "appears positioned to launch a one-world currency at the upcoming G-20 meeting in London." (read here)

As usual, the best analysis of this situation has been summarized by Joel Rosenberg (read here).

One thing is clear: at the upcoming G-20 meeting, at least one major focus will be the development of a single, world currency. One additional idea, which is often made in these discussions, is the need for a "world governance" in order to govern this proposed single currency and the single-world financial system, which is largely in place now and growing stronger by the day.

Much of the work is already being done, for a single "world-leader" to emerge and take this "bull by the horns" (10 horns to be exact: Rev. 17:12, Daniel 7:24). We're actually watching the world shaping up to be in perfect position for someone to lead this world-wide effort to stablize economies and control the system which is being put in place. We're just waiting for such a leader to step forward.

The upcoming G-20 meeting should be very interesting, and we'll be watching it closely. All news regarding this meeting points to an agenda which will include more and more provisions for a world currency and consolidation of the emerging world financial system.

The road is certianly being paved for the biblical figure known as the Antichrist to ultimately assume control of the world's financial system and its single currency. We know how this story ends, as we have the advantage of biblical prophecy, which thus far is 100% accurate.

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